Thursday, August 9, 2018

Welcome to Boy Free Year

Welcome to Boy Free Year...

I have been sitting on this blog idea for months. Literally months. I've vaguely mentioned it to close friends but not said a peep to the majority of people I know and I guess that's because, to some, the mere name of the blog will sound awfully dull. For others, it will sound like peace on earth, and while I flit between the two viewpoints fairly often, it's safe to say the past year of my life, boy free I may add, has been one hell of a ride.

Of course, when I say 'boy free' I haven't actually been without boys completely...(there have been numerous dates, one night happenings, me falling too deep, them falling too get it) but put simply, since ending a 6 year relationship just over a year ago, I have learned so much about myself, and also the opposite sex, that I wanted a place to compile my thoughts, experiences and even knowledge about life as it is for me at the moment; and thus, Boy Free Year was born. 

I recently turned 26, and while I'm not at all where I thought I would be in life at this age, I believe everything happens for a reason so I'm happy being single, literally living my best life and enjoying the delights that being 'boy free' can bring.

Being boy free is actually way more fun than I ever imagined, so get ready to live your own boy free life vicariously through me. Hopefully you enjoy my musings, real-life tales, advice and general life updates - there are some exciting things in the pipeline, so watch this space. 

The Boy Free Girl

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